Hand Picked Places To Rent
With Recent Items shortcode you can list latest properties or specific properties from certain
categories, types, cities or areas. Featured properties are listed first.
categories, types, cities or areas. Featured properties are listed first.
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Featured from Community
Use this shortcode to showcase a specific owner profile.
[featured_agent id="888" notes="Always in search of local experiences."]
[featured_agent id="887" notes="New York history & art lover."]
[featured_agent id="889" notes="Professional photographers in NY."]
[spacer height="20"]
Featured Places
With Featured Place and Featured Property shortcodes you can list specific cities, areas or properties.
The shortcodes help highlight the points of interest you wish visitors to notice.
The shortcodes help highlight the points of interest you wish visitors to notice.
[featured_place id="2008" places_label="City that Never Sleeps"]
[featured_place id="409" places_label="Nickel Chasers"]